DIMENSIONS - The not so distant future?


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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology
UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury

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1UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury 2Genre: Short Story 3Approaches: A society study 4Genetic Engineering - A Blessing Or A Curse? 5Challenge Of The Week 6Social media: criticism and media literacy 7Print media/ TV and radio: still eminent? 8Short Overview: TV and radio 9The not so distant future? 10DIMENSIONS- a project of inventions.-publishing
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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology The not so distant future?
DIMENSIONS Science and Technology The not so distant future?
DIMENSIONS Science and Technology The not so distant future?

The not so distant future ...

What “Gattaca” predicted eventually even got worse!

Genetic engineering in our society means uninhibited possibilities and equals a synonym for progress. The development of the last decades enabled humankind to go completely overboard!

Whereas companies like “Human Genetics” today represent a market share of over 50 per cent, their “duties” were not even required just about a few decades ago. What has changed? And why did we not seem to be getting it right steadily going downhill?

Attempting to understand our society, we want to take a closer look at the then visionary vibe of “Gattaca” (1997), since the movie accuses genetic engineering of destroying our humanity: “In the not too distant future, our DNA will determine everything about us!

This paradoxical way of thinking became a habit in our society. Changes of morals for the welfare of “perfection” stayed unnoticed by the majority of the human population. What was seen as an impossibility just decades ago, is part of the monotony of everyday life today. In our society success actually is determined by science, what one is allegedly capable of achieving is “visible” in the genetic material and the pursuit of “perfection” perceived to be of prime importance. On the contrary, the mere idea of genetic engineering was perceived as something impossible, incomprehensible and unnatural to the core at any time whatsoever.

This illustrates how incalculable, unreasonable and inconstant the direction of our society effectively is. It stands to reason that this depicts immeasurable dangers for ourselves as well as for all and sundry coming across us.

With our strategic focus always on the next indispensable, revolutionary life changing/ prolonging or “improving” invention we might as well envision that: “THERE IS NO GENE FOR THE HUMAN SPIRIT!”

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